November AHMA East Texas Trainings

Jessica Mansfield Uncategorized

Fundamentals of Calculating Asset Income with Jenny DeSilva

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CST

Navigating through complex asset documentation is tricky and a less frequently exercised skill for many managers. This intermediate-level class is designed for staff that interview tenants during the certification and need to know the difference between cash value and market value, current income and imputed income, and when an asset becomes an income source instead. We will use real-life examples to illustrate different types of assets and their correct valuation while teaching the participants techniques to ensure assets are being identified by the households.  Register for Class

Best Practices for Communicating with Residents with Gwen Volk

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CST

Communication is a skill and an art – especially when it comes to having to communicate complicated and sometimes unpleasant realities to the resident of an affordable housing property. Role playing, shared success stories and rules for keeping your cool, participants will learn how to come out an ally instead of an adversary to those residents that have a lot of “issues”.   Register for Class