If you are acquiring or have recently acquired a property with a project-based Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments contract (HAP contract), please note the following.
- The HUD Multifamily Program Center handles the transfer/assignment of the HAP contract from the previous owner to the new owner. You are referred to the Project Manager at the Program Center for information on the process and the required documents. We can provide you with contact information for the HUD Project Manager.
- SHCC, as HUD’s Contract Administrator, will become involved after all HUD conditions to approval for the change in ownership are met. SHCC requires a copy of the HUD approved Assignment of the HAP Contract to recognize a new owner. Additional documentation may be required, depending on whether HUD holds the mortgage on the property or the property is HUD insured. Further, if there is a new management agent, SHCC will need a copy of the HUD approved Management Agent Certification (HUD 9839), unless you are a 515/8 property, in which case we will need a copy of the Rural Housing approved Management Agreement.
- To confirm your contract is assigned to SHCC’s portfolio, click on the following link to be directed to HUD’s listing of contracts administered by Performance Based Contract Administrators (“PBCAs”). Open either the PDF or Excel file and use the find function, with the contract number or contract name.
http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/mfh/rfp/ca_assigned.cfm - As a new owner, please furnish SHCC with the following.
- Completed Contact Information Form, which includes contact information on the owner, management agent, voucher contact, and site manager.
- Original signed Direct Deposit form (1199A). (See instructions for completing the form).
- Cover letter on company letterhead stating the property name, HAP contract number and reason for change in bank account information. The letter must be dated and signed by the authorized property representative.
SHCC, following receipt of the 1199A and cover letter, will send a test file (referred to as a pre-notification record) to the bank to ensure the routing and account numbers are correct. SHCC will send a letter to the new owner confirming receipt of the changes in the bank account. Please contact SHCC’s HAP Subsidy Coordinator, Julie Jeffery, at (512) 767-7683 or at juliej@shccnet.org with any questions.
- SHCC’s role in administering your HAP contract includes the following.
- Renew HAP Contracts
- Adjust Contract Rents
- Process HAP Contract Terminations or Expirations
- Process and Pay Monthly Vouchers to Section 8 Owners
- Process Special Claims
- Respond to resident/third party inquiries/complaints (Call Center)
The HUD Program Center retains responsibility for other areas of contract administration, and, in some areas, HUD and SHCC have overlapping responsibility.
For additional information on SHCC processes and procedures, and staff contacts, please refer back to the information under the specific topic headings in this website.